Annual Report 2023
Keys Group is pleased to announce the publication of its Annual Report for 2023.
Donna Wood, Regional Manager at Accomplish Group, is a self-confessed ‘adrenaline junkie’ and relishes taking on wild challenges to raise money for charity.
As her best friend was cared for by the Primrose Hospice in Bromsgrove in her final days, Donna decided she wanted to raise funds for this important cause, and undertake a challenge at the same time.
She said: “I’ve always been a bit of an adrenaline junkie and I knew I wanted to do something really challenging and that would be really exhilarating. That’s when I decided on the wing walk. I’ve done parachute jumps before and I’m always up for a challenge.
“I was raising funds in memory of my friend Sheree. We struggled to get her on a plane, so she would have been going mad to see me getting strapped to the wing of a plane – but she’d be smiling too.
“I really enjoyed it but I only had two regrets – ten minutes wasn’t long enough and two, because it was my first wing walk, I wasn’t able to do a loop the loop! I’ve already signed up to do another wing walk – not for charity – so I can do the loop the loop then!”
Donna’s adventurous challenges could not be more different to her very responsible day job which sees her act as Regional Manager for Accomplish Group, a provider of specialist services for people with mental health needs, learning disabilities, autism and acquired brain injury. In her role Donna oversees between eight and 10 homes.
She said: “It’s a different kind of rush working for Accomplish and working in my role. It’s always exciting to see people make progress and it’s a role where things are changing on a minute-by-minute basis, so there’s always lots going on! I’ve worked in care since I was 17 and I still love working alongside the people we support every day. For me, the thrill comes from knowing the work I do helps improve people’s quality of life.”